
Surely all business should be #Goodbusiness

Corporate Responsibility.

Corporate responsibility is the way a company takes responsibility for its actions and their impact on employees, stakeholders and communities.

Until recently, for a lot of companies, this may have been  a bit of a buzz word to which a little lip service was paid.

Thankfully, the world we live in today though has changed from the ‘Greed is Good’ philosophy. Profit is not a dirty word provided it lives alongside an ethos of giving back to the communities we operate in.

While researching this blog I came across the Business Development Bank of Canada and Seven great tips for putting corporate responsibility at the heart of your business 

In the past, being responsible was often perceived to come at a cost but today, being a good business also makes #goodbusiness sense.

Rightly, clients and customers expect the organisations they work with to do more than just be in it for a quick profit. They want to know that at the very least, the service they are engaging or the product they are buying is not doing either the environment or their neighbours harm.

Surely all business should be #goodbusiness?

At Resolve, we believe that #goodbusiness is just that, good business. In addition to supporting local charities financially we are excited to offer or time and energy as well. Running a half marathon for Shooting Start Chase didn’t just raise some money for them but it got me back on the path to being fitter which in turn may lead me to being a happier and better advisor and business owner. In addition to supporting charities we want to support the next generation (link www.young-enterprise.org.uk) and are also conscious of reducing our negative impact on the environment by embracing modern technology to work not just faster, not just better, but more environmentally friendly.

All in all, good business is just that, #goodbusiness.

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